Solar Energy Solutions
Our solar solutions include BIPVs , Solar Mini Grids and Solar Home Systems
Building Integrated Photo-voltaic (BIPV) glass is an architectural glass with a difference. BIPVs, offer multi-functional values to buildings such as improved aesthetics, thermal & acoustic insulation and natural light, etc.
The glasses generate clean and free electricity with improved aesthetics when exposed to sunlight. This makes BIPVs preferable to conventional glasses in architectural designs.
Like conventional glasses, BIPVs can be installed as Building facades, curtain walls, skylights, glass fence, etc. The glasses come in an array of colours, transparency and dimensions and can be customized to suit the requirements of the building.
Mechanical installation of BIPVs is the same as conventional glasses. By using BIPVs, buildings can save Energy cost with improved aesthetics.
Solar Farms
At Metikon, we design construct and maintain solar farms up to 1MW+ for urban and rural areas.
Solar Home System (SHS)
We offer customized Solar Home Systems to suit the energy demand of our client and also recommend and install energy efficient appliances for buildings.